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Skin Tightening & Fat Reduction in Orange County, CA

Stubborn fat and loose skin can leave you feeling self-conscious about your body. Even with proper diet and exercise, you can still face problem areas that you can’t remedy no matter how hard you try. At BodyCentre Wellness Suites, we’re here to help you regain your confidence with non-invasive skin tightening and fat reduction treatment options in Orange County, CA. Treatments use the latest technology to safely and effectively tighten loose or sagging skin and destroy unwanted fat cells to sculpt the body. Providers will listen to the results you’re hoping to achieve and suggest the appropriate treatment to get you what you want.

Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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Body Contouring Treatments

Say so long to invasive procedures, like liposuction, that require incisions and healing time. Skin treatments are non-invasive and allow you to get back to your routine the same day. The most popular skin tightening and fat reduction treatments in Orange County, CA include the following:

woman getting electrotherapy treatment


Electrotherapy treatments are excellent for weight loss and muscle toning. With just one 45-minute session, you can burn up to 1,200 calories. (This service is only available at the Anaheim Hills location.)

  • 45 minutes: $85
  • Plus, a one-time charge of $55 for 16 electrodes
  • Prepay packages are available and include electrodes for free

Alma Accent Laser / Body Contouring

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