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Discover the Power of Natural Healing in Orange County, CA

At BodyCentre Wellness Suites, we believe in the power of natural healing, offering a variety of alternative treatments for many health problems. Many of the items on our Secret Menu at our Anaheim Hills location are focused on promoting healing so your body can recover from injuries and illnesses more quickly. If you’d like to learn more about the treatments we offer on this menu, please continue reading or feel free to give us a call if you have additional questions. Our goal is to help our clients use natural healing methods instead of turning to invasive procedures or medications.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Secret Menu in Anaheim Hills

Our Secret Menu in Anaheim Hills includes all of the following treatments:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

On-site chamber increases the air pressure to about three times the level of normal air, allowing your lungs to gather more oxygen. The oxygen then enters your bloodstream and is carried throughout your body to promote healing.

$150 for 60 minute session.

*Packages available, please call for pricing.

iMRS pad (PEMF): $30 for 25 minute session

iMRS (intelligent magnetic resonance stimulation) is one form of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy that directs pulsed energy waves to a damaged or injured area of the body to aid in healing.

Compression Boots: $20 per session

This treatment increases blood flow activity of the legs, ankles, and feet. The increased blood flow helps the area to heal more quickly.

digital screen on medical machine
Vibratherapy Plate: $1 per minute

This advanced machine uses intense vibrations to help tone and strengthen the body.

three girls in robes during spa day

Private Spa Parties

Saturday Evenings from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM

Rent out the Spa for Private Parties. Bring in your own refreshments (drinks & snacks) and décor and we will supply the therapists, spa amenities, and a Spa Lead to manage the event.

This is a great way to celebrate any occasion. Holiday Office Parties, Birthday Parties, Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, Anniversaries or girls or guys night out. The Host can pay for the entire night including the spa rental fee and treatments or the host can opt to pay for the spa rental fee and have each guest pay for their own discounted treatments. Spa rental fee $500 & 1/2 off a selected menu of treatments as follows:

  • $40 for a 50 Minute Relaxation Massage
  • $45 for a 50 Minute Deep Pressure Massage
  • $50 for a 50 Minute European Facial

Schedule an Appointment

Are you ready to try one of the Secret Menu treatments? We are here to help you get the care and attention your body needs after an injury or illness. Call our Anaheim Hills location today to schedule an appointment with us!

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