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Relaxation Massage

Uses light to medium pressure

  • from $49 depending on duration & provider
Deep Pressure Massage

Very firm pressure for the majority of the Massage

  • from $60 depending on duration & provider
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Young woman getting a head massage at a beauty spa
Aromatherapy Massage

Pure essential oils are used during the Massage

  • from $65 depending on duration & provider
Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage

The entire massage focuses on these problem areas

  • from $55 depending on duration & provider
sports massage
Sports Massage

Incorporates stretching, deep tissue and muscle manipulation

  • from $67 depending on duration & provider
CBD Therapeutic Massage

Reduce Inflammation and Ease Pain Relief

  • from $79 depending on duration & provider
pregnancy massage
Pregnancy Massage

Side-positioned to help relieve weight-bearing tension and improve circulation

  • from $67 depending on duration & provider
hot stone massage
Hot Rock Massage

Warmed smooth rocks are used to go deep into the muscles all over the body

  • from $70 depending on duration & provider

Reflex areas on the feet that correspond to various organs are massaged

  • from $55 depending on duration & provider
Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Enhances lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling and promote detoxification

  • from $65
couples massage
“East Meets West” Massage

Includes a combination of Swedish, Lomi Lomi, Cranio-Sacral, and Reflexology

  • from $110 depending on duration & provider
Couples Massage

(only available in our Anaheim Hills location)

Two 1-hour Relaxation Massages: $199

  • Side by Side
  • Private Room
  • Includes Chocolates &
  • Sparkling Cider
Herbal Thai Ball Massage
Herbal Thai Ball Massage

The Thai Herbal Ball compress technique offers several potential health benefits: It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts both emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs. The hot compresses are ideal for alleviating pain, stiff, sore, or pulled muscles and ligaments, chronic backaches arthritis, even skin conditions, migraines, and chronic stress or anxiety. The blend of traditional Thai herbs used in these compresses has a relaxing and invigorating effect on the body and mind, soothing sore and overworked muscles while giving the body’s energy reserves a huge boost. The herbs in the compress possess properties that are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant. They are used to address sprains, bruises, and sore muscles, cleanse and heal the skin by promoting cell growth, and aid upper respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, and the common cold.

  • 60 Minutes $105

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