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body scrub

Body Therapies

Mediterranean Body Polish

The mediterranean sea salt exfoliates the skin for a healthier glow; also prepares the skin for tanning

½ hour: $50

Young beautiful Asian woman sleep relaxing in the Oil spa massage in salon
Hydrating Body Wrap

Herbal gel with healing properties is applied all over the body to hydrate and purify the skin

½ hour: $55

cupping treatment

The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite.

$25 Add-On

Ear Coning
Ear Coning

Ear coning is a comfortable and less invasive manner of ear cleaning. Benefits include improved hearing, vision, taste, smell and balance. Ear coning helps to detoxify the sinus, lymph congestion, sore throat, earache, swimmers ear, chronic headaches and allergies.

45 Minutes $75

smiling couple
Beaming White Advanced Teeth Whitening

Products are formulated with the highest concentration of hydrogen peroxide, without the need for pain blockers. This assures you the fastest result with little to no sensitivity. Treatment includes whitening accelerator lamp (currently offered only in Anaheim) and a home whitening kit to take with you.

15 minutes with the laser light and take-home kit:

  • Single Application Treatment: $99
  • Double Application Treatment: $149
  • Triple Application Treatment: $199
tan woman

South Seas Custom Spray Tans

The official tanning company of Dancing with the Stars®!

South Seas All Natural Spray-On Tan

Best for those with dry skin. No alcohol, compatible with all skin types.
98% natural, unscented, paraben-free.

15 minutes: $65

mud treatment

Detox Therapies

Volcanic Mud Detoxifying Body Wrap

The volcanic ash clay heals your skin by removing surface dead skin cells, toxins and fluids trapped under the skin. The microscopic ash clay particles go deep into the pores to stimulate blood circulation, tighten the cell tissue and remove bacteria. Results can be seen immediately and when done 1-2 times a week the face and/or body skin becomes smoother, brighter and firmer.

50 minutes: $95

Spa treatment female feet is a healing for relaxation
EB Pro Ionic Foot Spa Therapy

The “EB” Cellular Cleanse Therapy has been shown in clinical trials using electro dermal scanning to improve and balance the body’s energy channels or meridians. These meridians begin or end on the feet and hands and provide a pathway for energy to flow to or from a particular organ (i.e. liver, kidney, etc.). A person’s current state of health is determined by how well energy flows through these meridians or energy channels. Call for more details.

  • 25 minute stand alone treatment: $50
  • 25 minute add on treatment: $35
woman using dry brush on her thigh
Dry Brushing

Stimulates lymphatic system, exfoliates, increases circulation, reduces cellulite, relieves stress and improves digestive and kidney function. Includes body brush for take-home use.

30 minutes: $75

Infrared Saunas

Benefits of The Infrared Sauna:

  • Detoxification
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Muscle aches, arthritis, and joint relief
  • Weight loss and calorie burning
  • Increased metabolism
  • Immune system support
  • Skin conditions
  • Heart health
  • Appearance of cellulite
  • Diabetes support
  • 15 minutes: $20
  • 30 minutes: $25

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