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Treatment Therapies & More at BodyCentre Wellness Suites

BodyCentre Wellness Suites has looked out for the well-being of Anaheim Hills, CA residents since 1996. The independent providers offer many types of health and wellness services ranging from acupuncture and chiropractic care to body/detox and treatment therapies. Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are welcomed here, though it’s up to the discretion of each provider to determine their pricing and acceptable methods of payment. Should you have any questions about what’s offered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Young woman getting acupuncture treatment in therapy room


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine commonly used to treat muscle pain and tension, migraines, and insomnia. If you could use stress relief and relaxation, KH Treatment+Acupuncture could be the answer. Our acupuncture and treatment sessions can be booked for 60 minutes with several add-ons available, including aromatherapy, active cupping therapy, and hot stone treatment therapy.

Set of bathroom accessory on wooden background: pebbles, towels, candle

Spa Packages

Spa packages at BodyCentre Wellness Suites include European facials, one-hour treatments, hydrating body wraps, and aromatherapy saunas. With four relaxing spa packages to choose from and the ability to customize a spa package just for you, it’s easy to pamper yourself or someone you love!

Young couple enjoying a massage seaside

Massage Therapies

Massage therapies at Orange County’s BodyCentre Wellness Suites range from sports, couples, and pregnancy massages to relaxation, aromatherapy, and deep-pressure massages. Massage therapy promotes muscle relaxation and has been known to help improve your circulation, posture, and immune system health. Get relief from back, neck, or muscle pain and tension with our massage therapy.

Close-up top view of young woman lying down in hammock while spending carefree time on the beach

Skin Tightening & Fat Reduction

Using advanced technology, we offer a number of non-invasive treatments to tighten loose skin, reduce fat cells, and sculpt the body to give it a more toned appearance. Unlike liposuction, these treatments do not require incisions and allow you to get back to your normal routine quickly. Achieve the body you’ve always wanted with our help.

Man getting facial nourishing mask by beautician at spa salon

Skin Care

BodyCentre Wellness Suites has personalized skin care treatments for men and women available. Say goodbye to enlarged pores, scars, or acne with a series of microdermabrasion treatments. Bid farewell to unwanted body hair with our waxing treatments. Indulge yourself with a complete European facial that’s designed to exfoliate and hydrate your skin. Regenerate skin cells and reverse the effects of aging with microchanneling.

Young beautiful Asian woman sleep relaxing in the Oil spa massage in salon

Detoxifying Treatments & Enhancements

From a Mediterranean Body Polish to a Hydrating Body Wrap or a Volcanic Mud Detoxifying Body Wrap, the choices for body/detox therapies at BodyCentre Wellness Suites are endless. Body/detox therapies are designed to make you feel better from head to toe. You can also add on a spray-on tan, cellulite reduction/body contouring session, or advanced teeth whitening procedure while you’re here.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Secret Menu

The Secret Menu, offered only at our Anaheim Hills location, offers many services aimed at helping individuals find relief from injuries with natural healing treatments. We offer treatments with our on-site hyperbaric oxygen chamber, ocean wave massage bed, iMRS pad, compression boots, and vibratherapy plate.

woman with hands on tummy

Colon Hydrotherapy

Rid your body of harmful toxins by cleansing your colon using our hydrotherapy treatment. The treatment will eliminate encrusted matter in the colon, freeing up this organ to rejuvenate itself and become more efficient in the waste removal process.

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