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We proudly provide a center for independent professionals who are dedicated to their crafts of providing you with wellness, relief & relaxation. Each service provider specializes in specific areas of health and wellness. By staying independent, each of the providers are self-governing renters who are their own company. That means that you will only be receiving quality service from people who care about your well-being. We’re here to give the gift of relaxation through health and wellness services.

spa towels and stones

What Makes The Service Providers Unique

We don’t believe in big corporations or franchises. The best way we enjoy staying holistic to ourselves is by providing comfortable, peaceful services to the community. We don’t require any monthly fees or contracts. Stop by when you need us and we’ll treat you with the therapy you need.

We also offer customizable gift certificates. Share the gift of care and relaxation to your friends and loved ones. Select specific services or packages you think the recipient may enjoy or designate a dollar amount, so they can choose for themselves.



Certified Massage Therapist (CAMTC# 93498)

Holistic Health Practitioner

BodyCentre Wellness Spa

I have experience in providing personalized, therapeutic massages. I specialize in a variety of techniques, from classic Swedish to prenatal and deep tissue. I believe in the power of touch to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. My goal is to create a calming and comfortable space where you can unwind and rejuvenate. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, muscle tension, or simply a moment of relaxation, I’m committed to helping you achieve your wellness goals with a holistic approach.


Licensed Esthetician since 2009

Beauty has always been my passion. I was making homemade masks and applying them to my family and friends at a very young age.

I gave my first facial at age 16 when I worked as a Beauty Consultant for a small skin care company.

Right after obtaining my esthetician Licensed I worked for a Medical Spa in Chino Hills where I was trained for Clinical Acne Facials, Chemical Peels and Microdermabrasion.

I have been providing my Natural and Therapeutic Skin Care Services at Bodycentre Wellness Suites in Anaheim since 2011.


Licensed Esthetician #235545

Anti-aging by Doria

Providing SkinCare Since 2001

Specializing In
Anti-Aging Facials, Epicuren Skin Care Products, Sensitive Skin Types

“Aging is a fact of life, looking your age is not”
“Great Skin does not happen by chance, it happens by appointment”


Certified Massage Therapist #75171

BodyCentre Wellness Spa

Specializing In
Swedish Relaxation, deep tissue, hot stone, Lomi Lomi, pregnancy, reflexology, sports massage, hydrating body wrap, Mediterranean body wrap, mud wrap.

“It’s not the things you get, but the hearts you touch will determine success in life. “


Certified Massage Therapist CAMTC #36252

JuliaLyn Wellness

Providing Health & Wellness Since 2005

Specializing In
therapeutic massage, addressing muscular aches and pains, including Deep Tissue and Combination pressure massage, Relaxation Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Essential Oil Protocols to support health and wellness, Holistic Breathwork.

“I have been given a gift of touch and a passion for wellness. I have been bringing those together through my practice of massage, breathwork and each of the wellness arts that I continue to learn.”



Therapeutic Treatments by Le

Providing Health & Wellness Since 2000

Sports massage, Swedish, deep tissue, pregnancy, reflexology, cranial-sacral, hot stones, and other Spa’s modalities.

“The love of caring, helping, healing, for people and other living things is my passion and in my nature.”


Certified Massage Therapist CAMTC # 2231


Providing Health & Wellness Since 2000

Specializing In
Deep, headache relief, sciatic pain, hot stone, pregnancy, shiatsu, cupping

“I like to help heal the body with natural techniques”


Colon Hydrotherapist (I-ACT Member #PS2012042)

Certified Massage Therapist (CAMTC #8392)

Detox by Paula

Providing Health & Wellness Since 1995


Colon Hydrotherapy, Lomi Lomi, Craniosacral, Cupping, Spray-on Tanning, Electrotherapy, Hot Stone Therapy, Post-Op Lymphatic Drainage, Alma Accent Technician, Ionic Foot Detox Therapy, Reflexology, Volcanic Mud Wraps, Procell Therapies & More.

“I believe God lead me to my career to provide a safe place for people to heal through detoxification & Body Treatments”


Massage Therapist since 2005 & Esthetician since 2020

Specializing In
“I am passionate about providing therapeutic spa therapies that enhances your quality of life.”

I specialize in stress and pain management and corrective skincare. All sessions are customized to ensure the best treatment for each client to achieve their desired results and wellness goals.  Modalities include- Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Hot Stone Therapy, Cupping, Neuromuscular Therapy, Pregnancy Massage. Corrective skincare therapy coming soon!


Certified Massage Therapist (CAMCT # 51284)

Providing Health & Wellness Since 2000

Specializing In
massages that are both therapeutic and relaxing.

“I personally have experienced the healing power of massage and I want to help others heal in the same way.”


Certified Massage Therapist CAMTC #12033

Providing Health & Wellness Since 2003

Specializing In
Thai, shiatsu, sports, deep, pregnancy, relaxation/Swedish, reflexology, hydrotherapy, hot and cold stones, body wraps

“Bodywork is my calling and passion, working peoples aches out is my mission!”


Board Certified Massage Therapist
(CAMTC #10854 BCTMB #146777-00)

Certified Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist
Colon Hydrotherapist I-ACT (Member # F-TR2079070)

Guided by Spirit Intuitive Healing

Providing Health & Wellness Since 1998

Intuitive Reiki Healing, Chakra Clearing, Trauma and Bereavement, Geriatric Massage, Chronic Pain syndromes, Cupping Therapy, Contour Wraps, and Colon Hydrotherapy.

“Anyone who has experienced healing work with me has found that their lives change for the better in some way and leave with a closer relationship to themselves and God.”


Certified Massage Therapist CAMTC #19552

Licensed Esthetician # Z33507

Providing Health & Wellness Since 2000


Specializing In
Relaxation, Deep Hot Stone, Reflexology, Pregnancy and Aromatherapy Massage, European facials, Microdermabrasion, Le Mieu products

“I enjoy working with my clients to help them feel rejuvenated through massage and skincare”

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