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where the providers create
the spa experience


The Orange location (closed permanently) has merged with the Anaheim Hills location and is open. Please call or book your appointment online.

Participating providers accept 3rd party gift cards (SpaFinders, SpaWish, and SpaWeek) on any regular priced treatments. Only one 3rd party gift card accepted per transaction per day. Gift cards cannot be used for gratuity.

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At BodyCentre Wellness Suites, we empower health service providers to work as their own bosses. By staying independent, professionals are free to work as they please, providing you with exceptional services. Each of the specialists has been happily working in their field for years. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Health and wellness are just a call away.

woman enjoying a massage

The BodyCentre Experience

Before Your Treatment

Your Health Service Provider should ask you if you have any injuries or pain that they should know about. Please understand that the Health Service Providers are not trained physicians and cannot diagnose any problems. They may, however, direct you to someone who can help you further.

During Your Treatment

We encourage you to communicate to your health service provider during your Treatment regarding pressure, temperature of the room, noise level, etc. If you are not satisfied with the treatment or provider, you have the right to terminate the appointment. Also, the therapist may terminate the session if he or she is uncomfortable. Inappropriate behavior, comments or contact will not be tolerated.

woman enjoying a head massage

When the Session Is Over

If you have enjoyed your treatment, be sure to let your Health Service Provider know. It’s helpful to let them know what you liked and disliked.

Health Service Providers are independent contractors. If you are pleased with the treatment, a tip is always appreciated (20% is standard).

Please remember to drink a lot of water after your treatment. This will help relieve any soreness and assist in flushing toxins out of the muscles.

Ask About Gift Certificates

Your Next Appointment

If you do not have a particular Health Service Provider in mind, please be very clear about the kind of treatment you would like, that way we can book your appointment appropriately.

If you feel you’re going to be 10 or 15 minutes late, a phone call is always appreciated. If you’re more than 15 minutes late and the Health Service Provider has someone scheduled after you, you will be expected to pay for the full treatment even though your time may be shortened.

Be sure to tell your friends about your experience. A referral is the highest form of flattery. Your friends and family will thank you, and so will the Health Service Providers!

people relaxing in a spa

Contact Us

blue hawaiian cleanse

Blue Hawaiian Cleanse

Proprietary Blend

Blue Hawaiian Cleanse is the world’s first coconut-based colon cleanser. Over the counter, laxatives may work, but they also dehydrate the body at an accelerated rate. This unnatural state inhibits proper digestion and can cascade into other problems. Blue Hawaiian Cleanse is a NATURAL colon cleanser that won’t dehydrate you.

Digestive health is vital to our bodies. Did you know that over 70% of all of our body’s immunity system is located in the digestive tract? Much of our immune system’s work, including fighting off bad bacteria and other disorders, happens in the colon.

With Blue Hawaiian Cleanse, you not only empower the good bacteria in your digestive system, but you can also flush out your system naturally, smoothly and without dehydration with the world’s first, all-natural, coconut-based colon cleanser on the market.

Book Online or Purchase Gift Certificates Now for Anaheim

Add on 15-minute aromatherapy steam or dry sauna to any service for only $20.

The prices shown do not include gratuity. All Tenants (Service Providers) Are Independent Contractors and Prices May Vary. Independent Contractors may not participate in promotions or specials.

BodyCentre Wellness Suites

Anaheim Hills
430 N. Lakeview Ave
Anaheim, CA 92807

(714) 974-1555

Anaheim Hills

Bodycentre Suites & Wellness, North Lakeview Avenue, Anaheim, CA, USA